We all need a fully functional pair of hands--not only to do our jobs, but for all parts of life. But the hands we rely on are vulnerable. A single accident can leave them permanently injured, making even simple tasks difficult.
A recent United States Department of Labor report sited that over 110,000 lost time hand injuries occurred in a one year period with an average of six days away from work. Nearly 70% of workers who experienced hand injuries were not wearing gloves.
Working on towing vessels, barges, tugs and offshore support vessels pose special risks for hand injuries. However, all hand injuries are preventable with the right knowledge and the proper actions.
Topics Include:
- Risk Factors
- Awareness, Job Planning & PPE Hand Placement, and Tool & Equipment Safety
- Safe Line and Cable Handling
- Barge Hand Hazards
Sku: MOX-MAR-HandSafety